
In autumn 2023, Vullings received two awards. On 28 September, we won the OOM Award and on 5 October, the William Pijnenburg Award. Both awards are an amazing recognition for our dedication to the training and education of (future) technical employees and talented individuals.

The OOM Award is awarded to the most active (metal) training company and is presented by the Metaalunie (the Royal Dutch Association for SMEs in the metal industry) for each district. During the annual meeting of the Metaalunie Limburg district on Thursday 28 September, Vullings was presented with this Award.
The William Pijnenburg Award is presented annually to a company that excels in the way in which it pays attention to and invests in skilled workers. The William Pijnenburg award was presented by Manon Pijnenburg to Vullings on Thursday 5 October during the annual conference of Brainport Industries College.

At Vullings, training is in our genes

Training and educating people is in the genes of Vullings Metaalbewerking and is intertwined throughout our company. Vullings is one of the founders of Techniekcentrum Brainport Deurne, a technical training centre, it participates in the annual Tech Event, regularly gives guided tours to schools, and the company frequently hosts interns and apprentices. The company also allows engineering students to gain work experience, under supervision, on Saturdays. Winning both awards is therefore fantastic recognition of the years of commitment by our family business to the training and education of (future) technical employees and talented individuals.

Vullings Metaalbewerking heeft de OOM Award district Limburg in ontvangst mogen nemen.
John Vullings heeft de William Pijnenburg Award in ontvangst mogen nemen.

Our values


Passion for engineering




Total solutions

